Friday, August 17, 2007

appropriately humbled

Thanks ladies. I asked for a butt kickin and you delivered. :o) I really appreciate the comments - they've really helped. Randi's right, though. It may have been unfair of me to ask you to motivate me instead of trying to be a motivation myself. I truly apologize for being so self centered. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me...

Yesterday was better, but not totally OP. I was down this morning, though, so I can only assume that some of the gain was water weight. My lowest has been around 184, and I had gotten back up to 188, but this morning it was around 185. We're getting there.

I'm so amazed by my weight vs size. My step dad asked me last night how much I have lost and then asked how much I weigh now (he should have better manners) and he was floored. Apparently I don't look like I weigh 185. That's a good thing. My mom is a 10 and she weighs 145 - if every 10 pounds is a size then I would be a 6 a 145. It doesn't quite make sense, but either way I've decided on a size rather than a weight a long time ago. Once I get to a 12 then I'll try to stay within that weight. I hope all that garbady gook makes sense.

I went walking with mom last night on the hill by her house. She has this wonderful tree lined road that no one ever goes down because its in the back 40 and it's so shady and peaceful. That's where I always walked when I was in high school. So that's where we're walking lately because it's shaded. Well, we usually get in 3 back and forth trips before mom has to tap out (she's been telling me when she needs to quit) but yesterday the air was so hot and thick, even at 7:15 pm in the shade, that we only made 2 trips. But it was enough to get my heart rate up for about 25 minutes, so it's better than nothing. I honestly exercise outside more in the fall & winter than in the summer. It's too hot for me here. So I'm really super duper looking forward to the fall. Plus I'm in love with a houndstooth jacket I saw in my Elle and I can't even think about wearing it until at least November. Then I'll be complaining about the cold. :o)

I'm focusing on pushing the water today and it FEELS like I can handle being OP. Maybe this past week has been hormones or something. Who knows? All I know is that I'm digging myself out and I couldn't do it without ya'll! Thanks so much! I love you ladies!!

Have a Great OP Weekend!!


Amanda said...

Good for you! Sounds like you are on your way. :)

An elephant ear is just like a funnel cake without the toppings and the lattice stuff on top. Same idea, different name. Oh and they are an elephant's ear!

Candace MacPherson said...

Hey - maybe the Wendie plan works on weeks, too. BTW, let us know how hubby is doing with WW.

Ro said...

You are rocking it out...way to go....
Have a great OP weekend!!!

dizzydazey said...

The hub isn't counting points right now. He's gone back and forth with it so much lately. One week he wanted to lose 40 pounds, then he was happy with his weight, then he wasnts to lose just a few so that he'll have more self confidence...

So who knows what he'll do, but right now I'm on my own. (at least IRL!)

Randi said...

Now I totally feel too mean! I can definately inspire you and motivate you when you need it, I was just a little tired of EVERYONE needing motivation at the same time and took it out on you. Sorry sweetie!
But I am glad I kicked your ass!

The Price's Wife said...

Glad you're doing better! I'm jealous that you've already dropped 3 of those pounds back off!! Don't feel bad for looking for motivation... that's why there are lots of us... That way there's always some people who are in motivation mode, and some people who are needing motivation... I think it works great!

Jynell said...

I LOVED Randi's comment- but we all need a good kick in the pants once in a while. That's why we have this community! I kick you today so you can kick me next week- right!?! I personally don't think it's so awful to ask for a little motivation every now and then- it's better to ask for help & get back OP than giving up, regaining & starting at square one again. If you're constantly gonna be a Debbie Downer & always fishing for encouragement- then yeah, change your attitude, apologize & start new. Personally I haven't seen that as your norm since I've been reading your blog. Anyway... Sounds like you got what you needed & you're back on your way again! Now keep it up & go find someone else's butt to help kick! :D

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are getting back on track :) You can do it, girl!! And I hear ya about not exercising outside during the summer... I am the same way in FL! Have a GREAT OP weekend ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back on track! No one said this would be easy...and if it were everyone would be itty bitty. But I'm uber proud of you for getting back on track! I love reading your blogs so you better not leave me again!! Otherwise I'll come down and give you a swift kick in the backside!! ;-)

Sarah in AZ said...

I agree with everyone here, falling off from the program happens! The change is that you're getting back on like nothing happened. You've been doing so good, and I know it will continue.

PS. Real Coke, no wonder eh?