Tuesday, July 17, 2007

*so stinkin frustrated!*

I did pretty good yesterday on SB. It was hard, but not horrible. I think the hardest part was just not having any sugar at all and being drained. I think I can handle this for another 13 days. Besides, they say that the first 3 are the hardest - one down 2 to go. So that's gravy.

I'm super frustrated about my non-skills as a runner. The hub and I went to the track around 8 last night and began the program. We were through our 3rd cycle (there's 8 total this week) and I start having these serious pains in my left butt cheek. It was horrible. I was gasping for air (because I'm out of shape) and I was gasping in pain and we were forever away from the truck.

Long story short, we had to call it quits and for the first time in my life I was embarrassed in front of Jeremy. It was bad and now my husband must think I'm this huge wimp when I was going to prove to him how strong I am. But it's in the past now. I'm going to try again on Wednesday, making sure I stretch out really well. I don't know if it's a muscle thing or a pinched nerve, because this has happened before while I was bowling or just goofing off at church - but never to this level because I never had to walk back with it acting up before.

*shrugs* I'm out of shape. No one said it was easy to get in shape and since I've never been in shape I have nearly 25 years worth of training to do. But I will do it!

I'm going to go check in on everyone else, but I hope ya'll have a great OP day!


Amanda said...

You took the first step and that in itself is HUGE!!! You didn't set out last night to run a 5K, it will come, so give it time. Day 1 on two NEW things can be hard. SBD is hard the first 3 days. Once you get through that, the rest of the 2 weeks seem to fly by. We are in this together!! Hang in there!!

Ro said...

Sorry to hear about the cramps....but you are really doind well and that says alot!

Hang in there!!


Candace MacPherson said...

Yii! Hope you work that one out. The Sparks site has some great glute exercises. I can only do around 5 minutes, but something like that may help your cramping. Also, my father used to drink Club Soda every night to keep the night leg cramps away. He swore by it.

Randi said...

Here's a positive spin on being in so much pain - it means it's working! If some olympic athlete did your plan, they'd be laughing sure. If it's easy it's not doing anythign for you though. So that olympic athlete wouldn't get any benefit, whereas you just had a major benefit. It's sorta weird, the more out of shape you are, the greater benefit you have from working out. Way to go for sticking to it and living without out your oatmeal! Proud of you!

MMalloy said...

That is exciting that you started, remember it WILL get easier with time. Keep at it and you will be able to show off to DH!!!
Good luck on your second day on SB! I haven't tried it myself but my Dad has been doing great on it!!! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with SB. My in-laws are on it and love it! And hey, even if you had to stop early- you are trying and that is a WIN in my book and should be in yours ;) You are such an inspiration! Thank you ((hugs))

Randi said...

I am so excited for you to start with the weights! And if you want to add a special butt thing I got one for you. I don't know what it's called. Hip Bridge or something. But you lay on your back, knees bent like you're gonna do crunches. heels close to your butt. Now push your butt in the air so you're balanced on your feet and shoulders. Get it? Squeeze your butt! Apparently LOTS of people have lazy glutes and our legs will work instead of our butts so we have to wake them up. It's a good warm up. Do a few lifts, hold for a few seconds. Do it till it hurts then do 1 more. ;)

BB said...

Did the pain radiate down your leg? If so, it sounds like your sciatic nerve. This can be really painful. I had this when I was pregnant & when I got heavier. Although, it usually doesn't just go away immediately. Hope you're feeling better. Don't be down--you're making a huge effort & we're all behind you rooting you on!

ajlovestolose said...

WOW- congrats on even getting out there- you are training so it is not going to come overnight - one step at a time and sooner than you think you will be running that 5K!!!

My grandparents did a modified south beach and my grandma (80) is smaller than she was in High School!!! :-) They really saw the weight melt off. I think the reason, though, was because she spent a lot of time planning the meals out so she was ready with a snack when she was hungry. When I tried it, I was off it in days becuase I have no planning skills what so ever when it comes to food!! :-) I am sure after a few more days it will become easier to stick to it. I have faith in you!! It really does work - I have seen it first hand. I am rooting for you!!! AJ

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the pains you were having...the stinks. But you did get out there...and that is a huge plus. Keep thinking about all the positive things you have done girl...you are awesome! One day at a time.

Janet said...

You're out there trying, and that's 3/4 of the battle!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cramp to me! I don't know very much about SBD, but is there a potassium rich food you could eat before running? I immediately think of a banana, but it might be a no-no on SBD...Congrats on D1 - hopefully tonight will go smoother for you!!

The Price's Wife said...

HECK NO you shouldn't be embearassed! You did awesome just going and working as hard as you did! I bet your husband is SO proud of you!

Sarah in AZ said...

I applaude your guts to try, you must have been pushing yourself. It will get better!

I may try this plan out too, once I recover from the rock climbing :)